Learn the foundations of automating web UI testing with Selenium and C#. In this course, Selenium 4 Fundamentals with C#, you'll learn how to test web applications using a record-and-playback approach and a programmatic style. First, you'll learn how to locate web elements and automate a simple test. Next, you'll explore basic Selenium actions, and… Read More

A record type birey't explicitly overload the == and != operators. If you need to change the behavior of the == and != operators for record type T, implement the IEquatable.Equals method with the following signature:The unary prefix ! operator is the logical negation operator. The null-forgiving operator has no effect at run time. It only affects t… Read More

Süflidaki ise 10 say?s?ndan sarrafiyelayarak geriye muhik azal?? uygulanarak çift nüshalar listelenmi?tir.The unary prefix ! operator is the logical negation operator. The null-forgiving operator has no effect at run time. It only affects the compiler's static flow analysis by changing the null state of the expression. At run time, expression x!… Read More

Bu sahife, payla?m?? oldu?um tüm C# ile dayal? derslerin bir e?itim seti saks?l??? alt?nda toplanm?? halidir. A?a?? rast indi?inizde dersler s?ras?z olarak görünüyor olabilir yaln?z hâl hakeza bile?ildir. Her ne derece ders1, ders2 olarak numaraland?rma yapmam?? olsam da üstten alt k?s?nt? dürüst tedricen zorla?an ve muhtelit??kla?an bir ta… Read More

Asl?nda konsol uygulamalar? örgülmas? matlup teamüllemler bitti?inde, h?rç?n bir hava nutuk konusu olmad???nda tatbik kendini sonland?rmaktad?r. ?stenirsek uygulamay? istedi?imiz yerde kapatabiliriz. Bunun için zirdaki harf kullan?l?r.Mevzuyu toparlayacak olursak bir duruma ve davran??a ehil olan her ?ey programlar?m?z içerisinde nesne mümk�… Read More